Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog #6 - Poll Results - Greatest Villain Ever?

Well after all the votes were tabulated (5 in total - thanks to the masses), Darth Vader has been chosen as the Greatest Villain ever! I can't say that I am surprised, he was one of the epic images of the 1970's that is still popular and cool today. Whats more amazing is that his clothing style is one of the only 1970's clothing styles that I would personally rock to go bowling or a party.

Everybody knows Vader, they know his lines, his actions, his intro music, and his story. One could even argue that in a movie series about Good vs Evil, he is the character that is the central part of most people's memory of the films.

35 years later and Darth Vader is still HUGELY popular, with his likeness starring in commercials, spoof movies and of course comic and other geek powered conferences. (Before you get all reved up and attack me with with your pocket protectors/thick rimmed glasses/library cards, I am a fan too, and am known as the anti-cool so chill).

So thanks everyone for voting in the first installment of the poll. I have another coming very very soon. For you Vader fans, I have a video of a Vader's voice spot for his own GPS from TomTom

1 comment:

  1. Great post; anything with Vader is hilarious. Seen the latest parody?

    See you on the Interwebs,

