Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stevieincognito's Goofy Gadgets & Awesome Ads (Blog #11)

It's Saturday morning, its overcast, and I am in the mood to write. Or is it type? Anyways, I have been thinking of some new blog ideas of late and I have come up with 3 re-occurring topics that I will be introducing, as well as random thoughts blogs and of course sports blogs.

The 3 soon to be household topics will be
  1. Goofy Gadgets & Awesome Ads
  2. Movie Madness (Off the wall favorites of mine and why they are so great)
  3. Marvelous Mascots (Need I say more - I was actually a Mascot on 2's true!)
I think it will be fun, entertaining and a little insight on how odd my sense of humor is at times.
Lets get this bad boy rolling!

I love "as seen on TV" products. On most occasions, I love the infomercials more, you know the ones that have an excited voice telling you why you need to call in the next 5 minutes, even if it's 3:45 am on a Tuesday. We have a store here in Halifax that I am sure is coast-to-coast and in the US as well called Showcase. The store is really an infomercial haven for people like me. Everything on display for me to test out. For the few of you who know me, this will come as no surprise: I often go in there, and mimic the voice of the ad guy and pretend I am the person trying to sell you the product. Hey, I warned you earlier about my sense of humor. I often take the little guy we babysit in there with me. He loves the toys, especially the speedy hamsters, cat in a chip bag, laughing dog, and the train set that is magnetic. All Classy stuff to be sure, but my favorite item in the store is without question - Randy Couture's (UFC, The Expendables) Tower 200. I have tried it and it is AWESOME! My brother-in-law bought it and I am trying to move into their basement now I like it so much.

Basically, it is a small apparatus that hooks onto any door, and uses resistance bands and a pulley system to get you into shape. Its really a cheaper and smaller take on the Bowflex. I own a Bowflex and resistance training is my favorite. I knew I would love the Tower 200, but how I knew that I would become obsessed with it was when I saw the commercial (see below).

The commercial has all the elements. 1. A tough guy voice. 2. Great lighting. 3. State of the art door. 4. A already ripped into shape guy. 5. An attitude from tough guy voice that practically says stop wasting time, buy it, get in shape. 6. The extra: The "Mother of all workouts" routine. 7. The catchphrase "You gotta door? You gotta gym". I am getting goose bumps already. As you will see in the near future through my blogs, I am a huge fans of commercials.

It comes with a standard workout chart, a DVD of some pretty sweet exercises with amped up generic guitar riffs and the tough guy voice. It also has attachments so that you don't "mess up" your door. In other words this product has it all. I just need that space aged door. :). Enjoy the video, and be prepared to be blown away.


  1. I like how the cords light up at 0:16 lol
    Also I am sure that 'any door in the house' will die at the hands of this contraption ...

  2. They light up from the "power" that you possess by using it. Haha. It actually doesn't hurt a door, pretty amazing. My Bro-in-law is bigger than me, and his door is fine.
